Poetry ILT

                                                             Poetry ILT 

Explain what poetry is (try and define it for someone has no idea).

There are many types of poetry, poetry can be stories, rhymes,quotes. poetry is words put together like any story and rhyme but poetry is mostly smaller and descriptive.

Why do people write poetry?

In my opinion it is relaxing and it can make you proud of yourself once you read what you wrote down.

Explain which activities you did over the five ILT days.

What we did was a slam poem were you would preform the poetry with your group and a annalists were we "reviewed' a poem we also did a blackout poem were we made a poem by using a black marker and a story page and then we colored over words we didn't use we also drew a picture of what we thought of a poem we selected.

Which was your personal best and worst activity and why?

The activity I liked was the imagery because we got to draw and take a break from poems i did not like the slam poetry because we worked 2 days on it just to mess it up on stage. 

Which was your most challenging activity and why?

Non of them were challenging but the activity were we had to say the meaning of the words listed toke more time we thought it would because we kept laughing will we were talking.

How did you feel performing in front of others?

I am new to the school and for that reason I was shy and nervous.

Which new words (vocabulary) did you learn?

I did not learn new vocabulary i learnt new ways to write poems.

What did you learn about yourself?

I learnt that writing a poem with out hot chocolate is boring.

If you wish, you may share your favourite poem.

The skating Fred bread.


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